welcome to project 365, one photo a day for a year. i'm combining this project with becky higgins project life. this project isn't about the technical or even the artistic side of photography. this is going to be about documenting my families life for one year. i am even recruiting my daughters to take photos to contribute to the book.

this project can be as simple as taking a photo each day and blogging it, using index cards and a simple photo album, or using becky's project life kit.

so who wants to join me? anybody game to give it a shot? i'll be posting tips, themes, and ideas along with the photos. don't think you can do a proj 365? how about a proj 52....documenting one week at a time? this isn't meant to be a stressful thing, but a way to document the precious everyday memories that we tend to forget so soon!



Anonymous said...

I did a blurry photo this week too. I'm starting my third year of Project 365, so I would like to follow your blog. I like the way you frame your photos and the font/handwriting you use for the journaling.

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